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Tips For Sealing Grout Lines In Your Shower

Tips For Sealing Grout Lines In Your Shower

November 18, 2016 | Bathroom tips, homeowners

1511960_10152103053089811_991170451_oMany homeowners have bathrooms that contain tile. If your shower has grout, it is important to keep it sealed so that it looks its best at all times and is simple to maintain. When grout is kept sealed properly, no moisture or dirt can penetrate the lines. Here are some shower tips that will help you correctly seal your grout.

1. Clean Your Bathroom. Make sure that all items are removed from your shower floor and walls. This allows you to get to work without causing a mess on your shower curtain or bath mats.

2. Make Sure That Your Grout is Dust Free. To ensure that your sealer goes onto your grout without complications, it is essential to remove all dust and dirt from your grout. Simply wipe with a microfiber cloth to make sure that that the area is completely dry as well.

3. Choose the Best Sealer. There are many different sealing products on the market. Before you make a selection, it is important to choose the item that is made to work with your tile. For example, some products are made to work specifically on granite or marble.

4. Always Ventilate the Space. Some sealants emit a horrible odor that can be caustic. To avoid breathing issues, you should make sure to open a window in the room before completing the task.

5. Select the Right Tools. Some people apply a grout sealer with a brush. However, the best results usually occur when you use a sponge, especially on thin grout lines. It is advised to pour small amounts onto a sponge and to work in small sections. You should use a circular motion as well.

6. Properly Wipe Off the Sealer.  Each sealer will have different directions, but when it is time to wipe away the sealer, you only need to use a few passes with a clean rag. Since grout sealer does not fully cure for 48 hours, it is best to avoid using your shower for this amount of time.

When you have questions about applying grout sealer or wish to uncover other shower cleaning tips, it is wise to consult with the experts at Columbus Bath Design. These professionals specialize in showers, tubs, and other fixtures. They are trained to address all of your bathroom needs.

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