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Cleaning tips

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Bathroom

by Columbus Bath Design |March 7, 2019 |1 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Cleaning tips | , , , , , ,

Temperatures are warming up and flowers are blooming, it’s time to do a little spring cleaning. Rinsing porches and cleaning behind furniture is a good start, but what about your bathrooms? How can you get them ready for the warmer and brighter weather coming your way? In this article, I will share some tips with you for sprucing up your bathroom just in time for spring.

How deeply should I clean my bathroom?

When doing a deep clean of your bathroom, expect to get in every nook and cranny. Faucets, drains, grout, baseboards, all of it could use a clean every once in a while. Begin by collecting all the supplies you’ll need: bleach, soap scum cleaner, multi-purpose cleaner, rags, old toothbrushes, baking soda, vinegar, glass cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, a toilet bowl brush, a broom and dustpan, a mop, a trash bag, and last but not least, rubber gloves.

I have everything I need, now where do I start?

Begin by emptying the trash can in your bathroom, and then start to go through drawers and cabinets. Take one thing at a time, starting with one drawer. Throw away expired medicine, old makeup, stray Q-tips, and anything of the like. If you haven’t used it in a while and don’t see yourself using it soon, go ahead and toss it. Freeing up space will help you better organize the things you do use daily in your bathroom. Once you’ve thrown out as much as you can, remove everything else from the cabinets and drawers and set them out on the ground or in another room out of the way. Use multi-purpose cleaner to spray out all drawers and cabinets. Then, begin to put everything back while organizing by type (example: makeup goes with makeup, hair care goes with hair care, etc). This will make sure that all the items in the same category are in the same place, so you never again have to go digging through multiple drawers to find what you need. Now that the interiors of your bathroom drawers and cabinets are fresh and clean, let’s move on to some of the more nitty-gritty areas of your bathroom.

Tubs, Sinks, Drains, and Faucets

There’s no doubt that your tubs and sinks get a lot of use and abuse. Between soap scum, hair clogs, toothpaste, and more, these parts of your bathroom will need a little tender love and care. Begin by pouring baking soda down all the drains in your bathroom. Follow it with vinegar to create a homemade drain cleaner that’s safer than the harsh chemicals found in many other products. The chemical reaction between the vinegar and baking soda will both dislodge any clogs that may be hanging around in your pipes, but will also begin to break down the items causing the clogs and will wash them down. For best results, cover the drains after pouring the vinegar so the entire solution stays in the pipes and doesn’t bubble out into your sink or tub. After 2 minutes, run hot water down the drains to further clear any blockages. Now that you have clear drains, you can begin working on the tub, sinks, and faucets themselves. It would be best to put on your rubber gloves now to protect your hands from the chemicals in your cleaning products. Start by spraying soap scum cleaner all around your tub and/or shower, as well as on any of the faucets. Let it sit for approximately 30 seconds, then wet a rag with hot water and get to scrubbing! As you work, rinse the rag periodically to rid it of extra cleaning solution, soap scum, or dirt. When you come to the end of your scrubbing, rinse the entire tub/shower down with hot water, and wipe the faucets down with multi-purpose cleaner to rid them of any streaks caused by the soap scum cleaner.

Counter Tops and Toilets

Countertops, luckily, are simple. Move everything out of your way and spray them down with multi-purpose cleaner, following this with a wipe from a clean rag. Done! Toilets, on the other hand, will take some work. Often, the toilet is the most dreaded thing to clean in a bathroom. But have no fear! You’re armed with rubber gloves, the right cleaning supplies, and the perfect amount of elbow grease to make your toilet gleam. Begin by cleaning the bowl: squirt a generous amount of toilet bowl cleaner around the inside rim and begin scrubbing with your toilet bowl brush. Don’t leave a single nook unscrubbed! When you’re done, flush the toilet and leave the seat up to begin cleaning the rest of the bowl. Use bleach and a fresh rag to wipe down both the seat and the rim underneath, paying close attention to the back of the seat where the lid attaches. Try to get in and around the hinges of the lid to get a fresh start for spring. Finally, wipe down the lower part of the toilet and the floor directly surrounding the toilet with bleach. Voila! A perfectly clean toilet!

Floors, Mirrors, and Windows

We’re coming to the end of our bathroom cleaning extravaganza! Only the floors, mirrors, and any windows remain. For windows and mirrors, simply spray with glass cleaner and wipe down with a rag or paper towel. Your floors, however, will need a little more elbow grease. Begin by sweeping up any dust or hair found on the floor. Then, if you have tile with grout in your bathroom, grab your bleach and an old toothbrush. Pour a little bleach on the floor and use the old toothbrush to scrub in between the tiles on your bathroom floor. This will help lift dirt from the grout while bleaching stains. This could take a while, so buckle down! Once the grout is to your liking, you can simply mop the floor with hot water and multi-purpose cleaner.

And there you have it! A fresh and shining bathroom, ready for spring! Though the term is ‘spring cleaning,’ your bathroom can benefit from a deep clean 3-5 times a year. Bathrooms get heavy use, and deep cleaning more regularly can make the process go faster than waiting until each spring. I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips! If you’re considering remodeling your bathroom, take a look at our website or call us at 614-721-3883. Happy spring, everyone!

Spring Cleaning Tips from Columbus Bath Design

by Columbus Bath Design |May 25, 2018 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, homeowners, Tips for the Home | , , , , , , , , ,

Can A Bathroom Be Spring Cleaned? You Bet!

Spring cleaning usually involves clearing closets, cabinets, and storage areas on unwanted clutter. We wash windows, refinish floors, and prep the windows and doors for warm weather. What about the bathroom? Some bathrooms have no windows, which means mold and mildew growing over the long winter. Because of this, it is important to deep clean bathrooms as well!


Spring Cleaning Tips

Just working with a can of scrubbing bubbles and a sponge might not cut it. Here are the supplies we recommend you pick up for this endeavor:

  • Microfiber cloths
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Seventh Generation cleaning liquids (these are all natural with no harmful chemicals)
  • Dusting cloths
  • Swiffer mop or microfiber mop
  • Lemon juice
  • Olive oil or coconut oil
  • Spray bottle with water


Many bathrooms have wooden cabinets. To dust and clean them, mix in a small jar one half cup lemon juice to two cups olive or coconut oil. Shake until well mixed, then dust your wood cabinets. It’s a natural alternative to cleaning chemicals and will make the wood glow.

Glass and Mirrors

Some people mix dish liquid with vinegar and water to wash glass and mirrors. However, the dish liquid isn’t really necessary. Lemon juice or vinegar and water will clean most everything.

Close the glass shower door after you’ve turned on the hot water. Allow the steam to build up, and then shut the shower off. On the glass shower walls, apply a paste of baking soda and vinegar. Let sit for a few minutes, then wipe off. Spray with water. Wipe down with microfiber cloths to prevent mildew.

Floor and Wall Tiles

Close the shower door again with hot water running for steam. Use either the Seventh Generation cleaners or a mixture of vinegar, lemon, and water. Apply the cleaner to the tile walls and floors, then close the door. In a few minutes, shut off the shower. With a Swiffer or a microfiber mop, remove the moisture from the ceiling.

Wipe off the tile walls and floors. If not all dirt was removed from the grout, apply a paste of vinegar and baking soda. Scrub with a toothbrush. If it still won’t come clean, then a professional formula should be applied.

Tips For Deep Cleaning the Bathroom

Now the windows, mirrors, walls and floors are clean, it’s time to deep clean the sink and toilet. One of the best tips we’ve seen for cleaning the toilet and sink is to sprinkle in baking soda. After a few minutes, pour in vinegar. It will sizzle and bubble. When it’s finished bubbling, rinse it. It will shine like new!

Faucets and Shower Heads

Next you’ll need plastic sandwich baggies and rubber bands. In the baggie, mix vinegar, baking soda, and water. Wrap the faucets and shower head with the baggie. Let them sit for a couple of hours or overnight. Then, remove them and wipe them down. Your faucets and shower head will shine!

These simple tips and tricks should be all the cleaning you need to make your bathroom shine like new. If your bathroom needs more than just a little freshening up this spring season, give Columbus Bath Design a call to get started on your dream bathroom!

Tips for Making Bathroom Remodeling Less Stressful

by Columbus Bath Design |April 6, 2018 |1 Comments | Bathroom Accessories, Bathroom Design, Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling Cost, Bathroom Remodeling Materials, Bathroom Remodeling Tips, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, Full Bathroom Remodel, homeowners, Making the Decision to Remodel Your Bathroom, One Day Bathroom Remodel, Tips for the Home | , , ,

A traditional bathroom remodel can be viewed as time-consuming and expensive. This makes most homeowners hesitant to have their bathrooms renovated, and they see it as a stressful thing. When your bathroom is not renovated, it can be difficult to maintain and may look old and outdated. Therefore, we recommend you have it retouched and redesigned according to the latest bath designs. You’ll have to do a professional research to determine what to correct.

A bathroom should make a person feel relaxed, and you can only achieve this if you change the way it looks. The following five tips will help you renovate your bathroom stress-free. less stress bathroom remodel

Hire a One-Day Remodeling Expert

Working with a one-day remodel contractor is the simplest way to have your bathroom renovated. From the master bath to the guest bath, the expert is able to refresh the spaces to your liking. Hiring a one-day renovation expert offers you the following benefits:

  • Convenient service: The remodeling is done within a day and thus convenient for you.
  • Smart investment: Whether you are planning to stay in the house for years or are considering selling it, you’ll notice that one-day remodeling is a smart take as the returns are great.
  • Affordable luxury: Have your bathroom redesigned in a day because it is cheaper and will give you the chance to enjoy the latest bath designs.

Have a Definite Remodeling Plan

How long do you want the renovation to take? As mentioned above, one-day remodeling is ideal if you want the installations done fast. However, you have to write down your plan before you approach the expert. Another important thing to reflect on your plan is the budget. The trusted contractor that you approach will work with the budget that you provide.

Research Your Estimates

In your remodeling plan, you have to break down the expenses accordingly. For example, take a look at how much the new installation will cost. How much will the demolitions cost? Carrying out a professional research will help you spend money wisely.

Clean Your Bathroom

Lastly, in your planning, you should prepare to clean the bathroom before its renovated. This will help you and the experts have an easy remodeling process. If you at least clear out your current bathroom, it will make it a lot easier for the crew to begin the bathroom remodel.

For professional bathroom renovation, you should contact Columbus Bath Design. We are a high-end bathroom remodeling company that boasts of several years of quality service delivery. Ask us about our one-day remodeling option and how our experts can help you redesign your bath in a day. This will help you have the most trending designs installed in your bathroom.





The Pros and Cons of Bathtubs and Showers

by Columbus Bath Design |March 23, 2018 |1 Comments | Bathroom Accessories, Bathroom Design, Bathroom Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling Materials, Bathroom Remodeling Tips, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, Columbus Bath Design News, Full Bathroom Remodel, homeowners, Making the Decision to Remodel Your Bathroom, One Day Bathroom Remodel, Tips for the Home, Walk-in Bathtubs | , , , , , , ,

When remodeling a bathroom, the one major element to consider is the bath itself. You can choose to replace a bathtub with a walk-in shower or to install a walk-in tub, or traditional bathtub. Each of the options has benefits, and there are many reasons that you might consider choosing one over the other. Let’s explore the pros and cons of bathtubs and showers.

Bathtubs for Families with Young Children

For families with young kids at home, a bathtub is almost essential. While there are ways to bathe without a traditional tub, it’s much easier and more enjoyable for parents and kids alike. Children often love bath time, and a tub makes it simple to get the kids clean and give them something fun to do, too. Parents typically appreciate the option of bathing their children in a traditional tub, which is why they look for homes with full baths that have at least one installed. pros and cons of bathtubs and showers

Homes with Seniors or Family Members With Mobility Issues

For folks with mobility problems, a walk-in bathtub is an ideal solution for making the bathroom more functional. Seniors can benefit greatly from a walk in tub, as it provides a safe option for bathing, as well as hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy is an excellent way to promote circulation in the body and to aid in relaxation and stress relief. A walk-in shower can also be a suitable option for a shower seat can be installed. For aging individuals, it’s important to think about future needs, as well. Walk-in tubs are both safe and affordable.

Small Bathrooms

In a small bathroom, opting for just a shower stall can be a smart way to gain more space. This is especially true if you have multiple bathrooms in the home and at least one other one with a tub. In that case, it may be well worth it to install a walk-in shower and enjoy the extra space that can be gained by skipping out on a bathtub.

Best Budget Option

If your budget is limited, installing a traditional bathtub and shower combination is likely the best option. It’s necessary to take other factors into consideration, including the size of the space and the other bathrooms in the home.  Keep in mind that the bathroom is one of the most important spaces to potential home buyers if you are planning to sell at some point in the future.

Whether you choose a shower, a traditional bathtub, or a walk-in tub, you’ll be giving an important room in the home a fresh look. When weighing the pros and the cons of each option, you have to consider the specific needs of your family, as well as your budget. You can create the bathroom that you’ve always wanted, allowing you to enjoy relaxation and personal time in comfort. Contact us today to further discuss your options and schedule a free in-home estimate.

3 Tips for Preventing and Handling Bathroom Leaks

by Columbus Bath Design |February 23, 2018 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, homeowners, Tips for the Home | , , , ,

Leaks in the bathroom are always a cause for concern for homeowners. After all, no one wants to waste water or have a small leak turn into a major, costly issue. An undetected leak can do a lot of damage over time, and even over a short period if it’s serious enough. Once you know what to look for, you can attempt to identify the problem, make the necessary repairs, and resolve the situation quickly. Here are some tips on how to detect a leak, and how to handle the situation. 

bathroom leaks

Detect a Leak

If you suspect that you have a leak in the bathroom, you’ll need to find the source and see if there’s any visible water damage. One way to locate a leak is by taking a dry cloth and run it along the pipes or water lines to see if any spots come up damp. If you do locate a spot that’s wet, try to tighten pipes and connections to see if that stops it. It could be a loose joint between pipes or water lines.

Leaks in the bathtub or shower stall can occur in several different spots. Check the caulking along the tub and the wall to ensure that it’s in good condition. You will need to fully remove old caulking completely before you can fill in any spots with gaps. This should be done every few years so that you maintain a tight and secure seal between the tub and the walls.

Remain Calm

Any time that you discover a potential problem with the fixtures or systems in your home, you’re likely to worry. It’s natural to be upset, but remaining calm is more helpful to you and your family. Take a deep breath, and remember that these things happen. Making repairs and dealing with these types of issues are a part of being a responsible homeowner.

Do your best to locate the source of the leak, shut off the water if necessary, and then determine if it seems like a repair that you can handle on your own. It could be something simple, or it could be something more serious. Once you’ve stopped the leaking by turning off the water, you can do a more thorough assessment and decide whether it warrants calling in a pro.

When to Call a Professional

It’s always best to contact an expert if the issue is serious. A skilled and experienced plumber will know how to find the source of the leak, and they’ll have both the equipment and the expertise to fix the leak for good. It may mean spending money on their services, but it’s well worth it to save you money and spare you the stress in the long run. Having a pro come in to do repairs is a great way to prevent future problems, as well.

You don’t want to simply patch up a leaky spot and then have to face the issue again in a few days or weeks. Getting it fixed properly the first time is the best option. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that a professional has solved the problem and prevented costly damage.

Tips for Maintaining Your New Bathroom

by Columbus Bath Design |December 22, 2017 |0 Comments | Bathroom Accessories, Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, homeowners, Tips for the Home | , , , , ,

After completing a bathroom remodel, the last thing that you want to do is to let it get dirty, messy, and disorganized. With regular upkeep, your beautiful bathroom will look fresh for years to come. These smart organization and cleaning tips will ensure that your new bathroom maintains a neat and tidy appearance you can be proud of. 

Deep Clean Weekly

It’s a task that no one enjoys, but deep cleaning is essential. This includes scrubbing the shower, tub, and toilet, wiping down the sink and counter, cleaning the mirror and windows, and mopping the floor. By tackling dirt and grime before it builds up, you can maintain the look of the important details in the bathroom, like grout and fixtures. Deep cleaning keeps the space healthy and sanitary, as well as visually appealing. If you’re pressed for time or simply hate the task of cleaning, consider hiring a housekeeper. It’s an affordable and practical way to maintain the cleanliness and neatness of your entire home.

Cut the Clutter

A clutter-free bathroom will help you to feel more relaxed in the space. Take a few minutes each day to cut the clutter by putting things back in their designated places. Don’t let items pile up on shelves and countertops. When a product is used up, like shampoo or toothpaste, throw it away as soon as it runs out. Put dirty clothes and linens in a hamper and transfer it to the laundry room frequently.

Use Organizers

If your vanity has drawers, use small organizers to keep them tidy. You can find a variety of affordable options in different sizes to fit snugly in your drawers. It will also save you time from trying to find what you need when you’re getting ready, as well. Shelves can also be kept neat with simple baskets or small bins. They can serve both a decorative and functional purpose. If you have counter space, use a basket to keep extra hand towels.

Frequently Go Through Drawers and Cabinets

If you often go through a drawer and find a product that you haven’t used in years, you aren’t alone. Many homeowners simply don’t take the time to go through drawers and cabinets to toss out old items. However, it’s a great way to stay organized. Check the labels on things like over-the-counter medicines and personal care products, and throw away anything that’s old or expired. Let go of cosmetics that you no longer use to make space for the things you do use regularly. Cabinet and drawer cleanouts are a great task to add to your spring cleaning checklist.

Keep your bathroom remodel looking brand new for years to come by following these simple cleaning tips. Start off with an organized space and take the time to clean often. By keeping up with deep-cleaning and tidying, you’ll be able to enjoy a beautiful bathroom that provides a relaxing respite in your home.


Make Your Bathroom Shine In Under An Hour

by Columbus Bath Design |March 31, 2017 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, Tips for the Home | , , , ,

Many homeowners search for bathroom cleaning tips when spring arrives. Below are some helpful suggestions to get this much used-room sparkling clean in less than an hour:

Rugs and Towels. Begin by removing all towels from the towel racks and take them to the laundry room. Even if they are your “good” towels and are not used much, they can absorb a dank smell from hanging in a moisture-rich bath. Therefore, it is wise to run them through a short wash cycle and fluff them in the dryer. Take any rugs with rubber backing and lay them in the hallway or another room where they can be vacuumed. If rugs are machine washable, follow the directions on their tags and choose the appropriate wash cycle.

Toilet Bowl. To quickly clean a toilet bowl, flush it to ensure the sides are wet and pour one cup of full strength bleach into the bowl. Brush it around the sides and under the rim and move on to the next task as you let the bleach sit for approximately ten minutes. When this time has elapsed, flush it again and you will see a gleaming bowl with no rings were signs of grime.

Cleaning Bathroom Surfaces. To clean ceramic and porcelain surfaces, as well as your sink and bathtub, stir three tablespoons of baking soda into two cups of warm water and a half cup of household ammonia. Use standard rubber gloves to wipe solution over all surfaces and rinse it off with a clean rag or sponge. This formula will make all surfaces in your bathroom shine. Using the same mixture, scrub down towel racks and any brass, chrome or brushed nickel fixtures. Wipe down mirrors with standard glass cleaner to remove fingerprints and watermarks.

Sweep the floor to clear away large pieces of dirt and then mop vigorously for several minutes with a formula appropriate for your bathroom’s floor. When the floor has dried, fetch your clean towels and rugs and put them back in their places.

Rooms such as bathrooms can be challenging to keep tidy, but by using these cleaning tips, you can always make your bathroom shine in less than an hour.

Best Bathroom and Kitchen Cleaning Tips

by Columbus Bath Design |October 28, 2016 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Cleaning tips | ,

bathtub-890227_1920Keeping your bathroom and kitchen spotless doesn’t have to be difficult. With so many smart cleaning tricks and simple solutions today, keeping these two rooms tidy is a breeze. Here are some of the best cleaning tips to help you tackle your bathroom and your kitchen:

An easy way to clean grout. Get the grout in between tiles looking great again with an easy DIY scrub. Take a small scrub brush or a toothbrush and dip it into a mixture of baking soda and water. Make a paste with 3 parts water to one part baking soda. Scrubbing grout can be a tedious task, so it may be helpful to just focus on one area at a time. You could also just simply focus on those spots that look stained and discolored.

Scrubbing sinks. Both the bathroom and kitchen sinks should be sanitized frequently to combat and kill bacteria. An easy way to do so is with a safe, non-toxic cleanser made from baking soda and distilled white vinegar. Rinse the sink, and then sprinkle baking soda all over. Leave it sitting on the surface for about 20 minutes before wiping the paste with a soft cloth, and then rinsing it away. Next, wipe it down with the vinegar. Finally, you can clean it with a soft sponge and mild dish soap.

Sanitizing. The kitchen and the bathroom are arguably the dirtiest rooms in the home. If they aren’t properly sanitized, bacteria can live on surfaces and cause illness. Be sure to kill germs by sanitizing counter tops, doorknobs, and all other surfaces frequently. It’s important to wipe down counters in the kitchen daily, especially after preparing food.

Cleaning does not have to be an inconvenient task. With these quick tips in mind, you’ll have a bathroom and kitchen that are sanitized, safe, and healthy for your family.

Bathroom Cleaning Tips For Fall

by Columbus Bath Design |October 14, 2016 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, homeowners, Tips for the Home | , , , , ,

shutterstock_407262133One home cleaning task that most people aren’t too excited about tackling is the bathroom. However, the fall is a great time to a deep cleaning in every room of the home. By scrubbing and organizing the space now, you’ll be able to keep it cleaner and tidier through the winter months. These bathroom cleaning tips for fall will help you do an efficient and effective job:

Shower curtain and liner. Remove and toss out the old shower curtain liner and replace it with a new PEVA liner. It’s also a good idea to wash your shower curtain. Just be sure to check the label for the proper care instructions, as some fabrics and materials may not hold up well in the washing machine.

Scrub grout. Grout can seem difficult to clean, but with the right brush and some bleach, you’ll be able to get rid of bacteria and stains. Using a smaller brush, like a toothbrush, allows you to get down into the small spots between tiles. Open up the windows and use bleach, dipping the brush in and then scrubbing the grout in the shower and on the floor.

Walls and ceiling. To clean the walls, simply spray them down with an all purpose solution and then wipe with a clean, damp cloth. Take care to clean well around the toilet, too, and don’t forget the walls above the bathtub tile or shower stall. Use a duster on a long pole to reach into high corners of the ceiling where small spider webs may be lurking.

We typically think of the spring as the ideal time to give the home a deep cleaning, but these bathroom tips make it easy to freshen up your home in the fall. Before closing the windows and turning on the heat for the colder months, take the time to tackle the bathroom.

Bathroom Mold Prevention Tips For Homeowners

by Columbus Bath Design |September 23, 2016 |0 Comments | Bathroom Maintenance, Bathroom tips, Cleaning tips, homeowners, Tips for the Home | , , , ,

shutterstock_347983049Regardless of where you live, high moisture levels can make it almost impossible to eliminate bathroom mold. Reducing dampness in your bathroom is the key to keeping mold from proliferating in the first place. To effectively accomplish this task, follow the prevention tips outlined below:

Drying Shower Walls. After showering or bathing, use a cloth or squeegee to remove moisture from your shower walls. This simple technique will eliminate approximately 75 percent of mildew and mold growth.

Run Fans. Always run your bathroom’s fans when showering or taking a bath. It is also recommended that you allow the fans to run for approximately 30 minutes afterward as well, rather than merely running them during your bath or shower. Consider installing a timer to make this task easier if you think you will not consistently remember. If the fans do not clear out most of your bathroom’s moisture after 30 minutes, they may not be circulating enough air. If this is the case, consider using a small dehumidifier in your bathroom to enhance moisture removal.

Sealing Grout Lines. Among other top prevention tips is waterproofing grout lines. If you have tiles, you probably know that these spaces often serve as a breeding ground for mold and mildew. For this reason, it is wise to use a standard grout sealer to waterproof these areas on a yearly basis.

Eliminating Current Mold. To eliminate mildew and mold that has already started, let the surface dry completely and then use a solution of 90 percent water and 10 percent bleach to thoroughly clean the area. Brush or spray the solution on the problem spots and allow it to sit for approximately 15 minutes, then rinse the area thoroughly and allow it to dry. Mold is a problem for virtually every homeowner at some point in time, but by following the tips outlined above you can significantly reduce its presence and prevent it from returning.